Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Berry-Go-Round Reminder

Just a quick reminder that the next edition of Berry-Go-Round will be hosted here on Watching the World Wake Up around the end of the month. Submissions are due January 26th; email them to me at, or use the BGR submission form. All plant-related submissions are welcome, and I included some ideas in this post last month.

akubra Dr. A over at The Phytophactor said this to me earlier this week:

If everyone were a botanist, or liked plants like a botanist, the world would be a better place. Actually I think everyone wants to be a botanist, but it takes some people longer to figure that out than others.

I say right on, Dr. A. Plant-lovers make the world a better place, and I’ll follow up his wise words with this:

IMG_1934 There are 2 kinds of people in the world- people who know plants are way cool, and people who haven’t yet realized how cool they are. If you’re one of the 1st kind, help the 2nd kind out and make the world a better place; submit a post for the next BGR.

(Plus, I will say great things about your blog, and if you haven’t already figured it out by now, I am an awesome pitch-man.)

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