Friday, June 26, 2009


IMG_1029 Sorry I didn’t get the butterfly post up today. Too much going on at work, home, blah, blah, you don’t care so why make excuses… But tonight after dinner I was out in the driveway loading up the rig for a Daddy-Trifecta camping trip when I saw this: a full-on, end-to-end double rainbow.

IMG_1030 Full doubles are one of those things that you should always stop doing whatever it is you’re doing to check out. Because unless you're saving a drowning child or intercepting a North Korean missile, chances are nothing you're doing is anywhere near as cool as a full double. My camera lens wasn’t wide enough to catch it, so here’s a video panning from one end to the other.

IMG_1040 The South end appeared to be right in front of Mt. Olympus, about 7 miles away. For the Best Ever explanation of How A Rainbow Works, check out this post from last August. I’ll have the butterfly post up Sunday PM/Monday AM. Have a great weekend.


  1. Wow indeed! The world is just such a fascinating place, isn't it?

  2. And did you SEE the sunset Saturday evening? Absolutely stunning.

  3. WD- It so totally is. I get reminded of that pretty much every time I do a post.

    KKris- I missed it, being camped in a deep canyon up in the Subletts. (But with the late June sun, and being a couple hundred miles North & West of Salt Lake, I was able to read without flashlight till 9:45PM!)

  4. Estimado Watcher,

    mi nombre es Juan Lavornia.

    Le escribo porque estoy trabajando en una tesis de grado acerca de líquenes y los gráficos de su página me han gustado mucho y quisiera saber la fuente para poder utilizarlos en mi tesis,

    Mi dirección de correo electrónico es

    desde ya, muchas gracias


  5. Oye Juan- Acabo de enviarte dos correos, con información y gráficos. Dime si no los recibes.
