Friday, September 4, 2009

Pulled Post

May 2010- Never mind. I stuck the post back up.

I’ve removed Thursday’s post (“Diamond Fork: Atheism, Values and Hot Springs”) at the request of… oh, never mind*. I’ll try not to make it a habit; this is only the 2nd (out of 248) post** I’ve pulled over the 18-month course of this project. I apologize to readers, particularly those of you who took the time to post the several very thoughtful and insightful comments in response to the post.

*If I say it’ll just make it worse. What a phenomenally shitty week this has been. Except for the Diamond Fork ride. And the post, which I actually quite liked. Yes, that one. The one I just pulled.

**The first post pulled, last November, contained detailed location info of a rare relic hybrid oak clone on private land, and could potentially have led to access issues which in turn could impact possible future development of the site and destruction of the clone.

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m not certain how long I’ll continue this project. But I do know this: my next blog will be absolutely, no-BS, completely anonymous.


  1. darn, and I really enjoyed that post. it was beautifully written.
    you'll have to give your faithful readers clues on how to find it when you make any new, anonymous blog!

  2. I'm sorry you had to do it, and I'm sorry you had such a bad week, but thanks for sharing it for a little while. I totally related.

  3. I was wondering how your neighbors (can I say that) would react to such a scathing, uhh.... "critique", when they inevitably found out about it.....

  4. Too bad. Thanks for your interesting, entertaining, and informational blog. If you had to pull any post, at least you didn't lose one with a way awesome graphic. Although the awesome description almost brought it to life.

  5. I too am sorry you were boxed into such a move. I nearly commented upon initially reading it, intending to to tell you how I had initially written your blog off as, well, flowery. Nevertheless, I've continued to read, and be tremendously entertained - and just as important (for me), informed - by your writing.

    Nevertheless, I want to let you know how much I enjoy your blog, and hope that somehow I can continue to enjoy it

  6. That was a great post, and I'm sorry to see it go away.

    I'd be sorrier to see the blog as a whole go away. It's become a favorite of mine in the 8 or 9 months since I discovered it via some mountain-biking-related search or link. I came for the bikes, but I stayed for the quality of the writing and the breadth of the topics.

    I've been in situations like the one that instigated the pulled post, and I've never known how best to deal with it. My usual response of keeping quiet makes me feel like a wimp who's unwilling to subject his beliefs to a real face-to-face challenge. But I'm not generally certain that I can respond without losing my cool and getting drawn into a shouting match.

  7. The completely anonymous part is hard to achieve. I'm pretty anonymous in my blog but my family found out. I might have to start all over again if they don't lose interest soon. But, on the up side, the coolest thing is that my 6 yr old nephew is totally into animal tracks and scat, at least partly from looking at the photos on my blog as his parents guide him through it. But, I have to be darn careful about *any* references to family.

    I loved that pulled post too. I can relate, as I mentioned in my comment.

  8. Just recently found your blog. I really enjoy it. I hope you don't change it! I'm sorry you had such a bad week.

  9. I enjoy reading your posts. They are a good combo of cycling and nature, written with enlightening info (and excellent illustrations!) and humor. I wouldn't let one post take all that away. Sure, you may write something others find objectionable or something that you wish you had kept private and hadn't posted, but such is life.

    My two cents is to keep your meaningful project going and just forget about the last post. You have done so much and provided us readers with much education and entertainment. I can only assume you have really opened up your eyes to the world around you and have discovered a much better understanding of it. Since I started reading your posts, I have started paying a lot more attention to the natural world around me as I ride. Instead of thinking such simple thoughts as "that's a cool yellow flower" or "look at all those trees by that creek", I try to think more about scientific origins of what's around me and raise the level of discussion with other riders. Anyway, just in case you decide to stop this blog, I want to say thanks.

    mtb w

  10. All- Many thanks for the kind and supportive comments. They really meant a lot to me (especially the India-flower-delivery-spam- deeply moving.) I’m back off the virtual ledge and will be back at it this coming week.

    Joe- Just to clear up any misunderstanding, the “subjects” of the pulled post didn’t see it, and I doubt they would have. Only a couple hundred people a day read this blog, out of whom- best as I can tell- maybe 100 are regulars. The “subjects” aren’t dialed into plants or bikes or birds or any of the topics that typically draw readers here. No, the “requestor” was a, uh, bit closer to home. (Like living in it.)

  11. Doh! Bummed I missed that one. Email it to me?

    Keep up the good work.

  12. Enel- don't think I have an email for you? (If I do I'm a spaceshot and don't remember) Send me a note at, removing the caps...

  13. Non sequitur, not spam: Speaking of saving the planet: you gotta see this. It's worth getting to the punchline (well, was for me anyway).
