Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Singletrack, Chukars, and a Really Long Tangent About First Class

When I got the helmet-cam I didn’t really didn’t think much about how I’d use it. Oh, I expected I’d email videos to friends and post some on the blog, but what I didn’t anticipate is how much I’d enjoy watching the videos. That sounds dumb. After all I was on the ride- why do I need a video of it? But when I’m away for work in some hotel room or stuck on a long flight (like right now) and feeling penned-up, it’s remarkable how weirdly liberating/ escapist it is to “re-live” the ride.

Tangent: This one is long and bizarre, but culminates in a great half-baked conspiracy theory, so stick with it.

I guess this flight isn’t all that bad, as I’m sitting in first class. I fly often enough that I get upgraded on domestic flights about half the time. I’ve always found the whole coach/first class thing to be kind of weird. When you think about it, we live our whole lives in a world carved up by socio-economic divisions. Yes of course there’s the whole first world-third world thing, but I’m talking on a smaller scale. Every metro area has class divisions in it’s neighborhoods/suburbs, and these divisions are evident in homes, roads, shopping mall anchor-stores, signage (billboards), even the type and condition of playground equipment in public parks. And within neighborhoods, there’s another mini-class-tiering at play in the schools which the neighborhood children attend.

Extra Detail: In my East Side* neighborhood, there are probably 4 distinct schooling classes. 1st is Rowland Hall-St. Mark’s (Episcopal private school- way snooty.) 2nd is other private schools, such as McGillis (affiliated with Jewish Community Center.) Third is kids who go to out-of-zone public schools. We’re in this category- our kids, and several others in the neighborhood attend an out-of-zone public school to which we applied due to its strong academic reputation. Catholic schools probably also fit in this class. Fourth would be the school we are actually zoned for.

*BTW, have you noticed that in inland US cities situated alongside mountain ranges, the higher-end neighborhoods are always on the mountain-side of downtown? Salt Lake, Denver and Albuquerque are 3 big examples, but the rule holds for smaller cities as well, such as Ogden, Provo, Boulder and Fort Collins.

The funny thing is, all of these schools are actually quite good. Oh sure, there are differences in class size and such, but I’m pretty sure a reasonably bright kid from a decent home would thrive in any of them.

Extra Extra Detail: There’s a another dynamic in our neighborhood school class divisions, one that is at play in neighborhoods all along the Wasatch Front, which someday, in another post, I may blog about more fully, and that is the church issue. In Utah, non-Mormons routinely make public-private school decisions in large part due to the perception- rightly or wrongly- that the public schools are the Mormon schools, in which their children may experience, in some way, a minority status, or be somehow left out socially. I’ve never noticed this in other states, but in Utah it’s a fairly standard school-choice consideration among non-Mormons.

Though I generally scoff at such small-mindedness, I have to admit that among the reasons we selected the (public) school we did for the Trifecta was the “diversity” of the student body. And in Utah, much of the time, “diverse” is a thinly-veiled code-word for “not Mormon.”

And then you get on an airplane, for just a few hours, and there it is again: the wide comfortable seats of first class in front, and the cramped human-cargo aka “coach” class stuffed in back. As a frequent flier I’m of course glad for the space, but the closet-socialist in me is perpetually offended. Why can’t- instead of a few really great seats and a whole bunch of really crappy seats- why can’t we all have decent seats. Would that be so bad? Yeah, yeah, free markets, supply and demand, invisible hand of my economics professor, blah, blah- I get it already. But really, it’s just a few hours- it’s not like we’ll all turn into Marxists or Canadians or something. Couldn’t we all just have OK/tolerable (non-reclining) seats and be happy with it?

Of course, as any frequent flier knows, first class isn’t what it used to be. There’s no real meal* on any flight under 4 or 5 hours, no more ice cream sundaes, and the warm, moist pre-dinner cloth seems to have disappeared over the last year or so**.

Basket *Now, on any flight under 4 hours, they just serve the same crappy snacks- peanuts, pretzels and “biscott (WTF?) cookies”- as they do back in coach, but in first class they serve them in a special wicker basket. Seriously, the flight attendant will come up and present this basket full of crap with this theatrical flourish, as if she’s offering you beluga caviar or something.

**Which was fine by me. I never really knew what to do with the towel anyway. The presentation of it would always guilt me into a sort of Potemkin-“washing” of my hands, something I never do when seated at a normal restaurant. Some guys would wipe their faces with a big relaxing sigh, as if they’d just stepped into the shower and which I always found a bit weird. (You’re in public, what are you- washing your face? Hey, don’t let me stop you- get behind the ears!)

Nowadays, the only redeeming features of first class are wide seats, and friendly flight attendants. Curtain Seriously, up here the flight attendants are all smiley, helpful and re-affirming. But walk past the coach-curtain*, and it’s like Dr. Jekyll – Mr. Hyde; they get all snarly and reprimand-y.

*Oh yeah, that curtain. Don’t you love that? It’s like we high-class people don’t even want you little people looking at us…

Nested Tangent: Is it just me, or are flight attendants getting older? When I started flying, ~20 years ago, flight attendants were all like 25. On tonight’s flight the lady pouring me coffee looks like she fought in the Spanish-American War.

It’s almost as though the only really worthwhile thing about first class left is that it’s not coach. And this leads to my brilliant half-baked conspiracy theory, which is that several years back the airlines decided to give up on trying to make first class better, they could just make it seem better far more easily and cost-effectively simply by making coach suck more.

Woo. That was long- almost forgot I had a post. Anyway, here’s a clip from early last Friday morning, just before a small storm blew in.

The Video Already

IMG_4352 Couple of notes, mostly for non-local readers. This is the lower part of the descent from the antenna towers North of downtown Salt Lake. At 0:13 I pass a real nice magpie nest in the scrub oak on the right. At 1:06 you see my front tire pop into view as I wheelie over the curb and onto the singletrack, which immediately turns to the right/North, at which point you can see the refineries of North Salt Lake in the upper left of the screen. After the switchback I’m generally heading South. At about 2:00, downtown comes into view; the state capitol is on the left, the tall white building in the center is the LDS church HQ. The snow-covered mountains appearing to the left of downtown are the Wasatch range; the peak at the apparent right end of the range, just to the left of the capitol, is 11,253 ft. Lone Peak.

At 2:15 a chukar flies across the trail. We’ll come back to this guy in a moment.

Most of the homes along this stretch BTW, didn’t exist when I moved here in ‘95. It’s sort of bizarre in that they’re pretty pricey houses, but basically look down on refineries, rail-yards and a freeway, and experience a fair amount of noise as a result. Sunsets are nice though.

At 3:19, downtown returns to view, now much closer, and to the immediate right of the church HQ tower you can see the LDS temple, a lower-height white building with several spires, silhouetted against the darker mid-level office building behind.

So, back to the chukar. They’re not unusual around here; I always seem to see them when up around Antelope Island. But it turns out there’s something kind of interesting about them here in Utah, and the Intermountain West in general.

chukar2 Chukars, Alectoris chukar, (pic right, not mine) are native to Eurasia, but have been deliberately introduced to the Western US as game-birds, multiple times, starting in the 1890’s. They’re partridges, which belong to the pheasant family, Phasiandae. As a rule, partridges are medium-sized birds, bigger than quail, but smaller than pheasants. Chukars are considered more challenging game than pheasants or quail because they’re faster flyers*.

*Just to be clear- this isn’t the interesting thing; I’m just laying the groundwork here…

Phasiandae in turn is part of the order Galliformes, or landfowl, which in turn is part of the superorder Galloanserae, or “fowl,” which in turn brings up something I keep meaning to get around to, but haven’t, so I’m just going to do it now.

Here in Utah- or anywhere in North America for that matter- all of the birds you see fall into 2 groups, or superorders. The first, Galloanserae, are all of the pheasants, ducks, geese, swans, chickens, turkeys, grouse, quail, etc. The second superorder, Neoaves, includes every other bird you see- pigeons, crows, finches, hawks- you name it, they’re all descended from a common ancestor. So when you see a duck or a grouse or a chukar, you’re looking at a sort of “other” bird, that hasn’t shared a common ancestor with all those “regular” birds since there were dinosaurs walking around. They’re kind of like the marsupials of the bird-world.

Side Note: Actually, there are significantly more “otherly” birds in the world, more deserving of the marsupial comparison. Neoaves and Galloanserae together form an “infraclass” called Neognathae, which includes all living birds except for ratites (ostriches, emus, rheas, etc.) and tinamous, which belong to a sister infraclass called Paleognathae, and have significantly different anatomical features including jaw, metacarpals and vertebrae. But since here in the US you’re only likely to see paleognaths in a zoo or aviary, a “fowl” is about as “other-ish” a bird as you’re likely to see out and about*.

*No, this isn’t the interesting thing either- I’m getting to it already…

Bird Phylog Additionally, paleontologists believe that there were other more distantly-related, or more basal, orders of birds way back when, all of which are today extinct*.

*Nope, still not the interesting thing.

So chukars are pretty common in Utah. Like pigeons, starlings and house sparrows, they’re exotics, but unlike those birds, their North American range is largely restricted to the Intermountain West. Why?*

*OK, this is the interesting part.

CedarMtnCheatgrass5 Guess what chukars’ favorite food is? Bromus tectorum, or cheatgrass (pic left) seeds. Those same, annoying little seeds that get stuck in your socks. That's right- chukars thrive on exactly the exotic grass that’s pretty much taken over the Great Basin, starting in the 1880’s. We’ve looked at cheatgrass before; it does so well here* in part because it grows and seeds earlier in the season than native grasses. Though B. tectorum now occurs in all 50 states, the Intermountain West has the the most extensive/ densest “cheatgrasslands.”

*Cool factoid: botanists believe that the cheatgrass in the American West today is the result of 7 or 8 separate introductions.

So how fortuitous (for chukars) is that? We settle North America, and subsequently accidently introduce cheatgrass, which pretty much takes over the Great Basin. Then a mere decade or two later we release a bird that loves cheatgrass. From the perspective of the bird, it’s as if someone captured it and then released it in place that’s almost like Heaven (with the obvious exception of all those guys trying to shoot it, I guess.)

I don’t ride the antenna-hills trails all that often, usually only in winter or early spring. It’s mostly South-facing and open, and so melts out faster than most other trails in the foothills. Riding here now is only possible early in the morning, ideally around dawn, while everything is frozen hard. And if you oversleep, and start your ride too late, as I did Sunday morning, well, you might be OK on the way up, but on the way back down… well, that’s a whole other deal, and a whole other post.

Next Up: What is the deal with clay?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Catch-Up: Features, Blogroll & Graphics Re-Use

Time for some catch-up, including RSS feed, blog-roll updates and use of WTWWU graphics.

First Thing- RSS Feed

I’ve added an RSS feed for any readers who’d like to be kept abreast of comments. Thanks SkiBikeJunkie for the suggestion and how-to. Since many regular readers frequently post helpful and insightful comments, hopefully this feature will come in handy to some number of you.

Tangent: Though strangely, as I’ve mentioned before, many of the comments I get are “direct”, the foremost example being my Legion of Lurking Coworker Readers who regularly walk over to my office to comment on, question or critique a post. Every once in a while one of them will say something thoughtful or insightful, and I’ll say something like, “Hey, that’s really thoughtful or insightful. You should post a comment.” And then they’ll get all nervous and weird and laugh uneasily, like I just invited them to a swinger’s get-together or an Amway meeting. (Really, it’s just a blog. Only like 300* people a day read it. You can post a comment- no one will make fun of you.)

*On a good day, when I post cool graphics and Selma Hayek photos.

wwwlogo3[5] The Legion was/is also weird about WatcherSTICKERS. When I came out with them, about a dozen Legionnaires stopped by my office, asking for one, which I was happy to provide. So far as I can tell, none of these stickers has actually been applied to a surface of any sort. Several are thumb-tacked to cubicle-walls, and one coworker keeps his in the console-CD-cubby hole in his car below, the dashboard. “My wife won’t let me put a bumpersticker on the car…” he explained*…

*Seriously- how short is your leash?

A fair number of real-world friends/associates have asked for a sticker, but qualified it with, “I don’t put anything on my car…” in sort of a hushed, embarrassed tone, as if by giving them the sticker I were implying something scandalous. Just to be clear- if you have a sticker, I don’t care where you apply it, and second, it’s a sticker. Putting a sticker on your car or snowboard or rooftop-rocket-box is just that- a sticker. It’s not like getting a tattoo on your buttock or piercing your nipple. If you change your mind you can peel it off. And really, what’s with all these clean car people anyway? What are they, planning to deliver a baby on the hood or something?

Second Thing- Blogroll Updates

It’s been a while since I updated the blogroll. I try not to keep too long a blogroll because a) I like to keep it to blogs I regularly read, and b) if it gets too long I don’t think it’s all that helpful to readers. But I’ve been reading some good blogs lately and have added a few. Some are informative; some are just fun.

michelle RWoods First is Rambling Woods, which is foremost an excellent birding blog, but also covers a wide range of butterflies, moths, mammals and more. Michelle, the author is based in Western NY state and had a middle-aged awakening 6 years ago when she became curious about a hawk that landed on the railing or her deck. She’s kicked it into high gear ever since, and following along you can share in her wonderful observations and discoveries.

marcia-b-holding-eagle-katz Speaking of great writing, Marcia Bonta is a naturalist, the author of 9 books and hundreds of magazine articles located in central Pennsylvania. Her blog includes postings from her regular column “Naturalist’s Eye” from Pennsylvania Game News*. She covers all sorts of wonderful topics, and I absolutely loved her recent Eastern White Pine post.

*I’m dying to work this into a conversation. I have it all mapped out in my head. I’ll be talking with someone and drop some little factoid, and they’ll be like, “Really? Where’d you hear that?” and I’ll be like, “Really, it’s true! I read in Pennsylvania Game News!”

Desert Survivor and Desert Boy Next up is Desert Survivor, which I’ve actually been reading for over a year, and which replaces A Plant A Day on the roll. (DS is her primary blog, APAD was an additional blog that I followed daily last summer, but appears to have gone into winter hiatus/dormancy.) This one takes some explaining.

About 30-50% of the time, DS reads like, well, a Mommy-Blog*. Now, I have absolutely nothing against Mommy-Blogs, but I don’t generally read them*. But Desert Survivor is also part naturalist, part caver, part rancher-blog**. I follow it for all of these topics, but probably most of all because it is one of my half-assed fantasies is to live in East-central Nevada***. DS’s blog is filled with enough photos and info to pretty quickly figure out the “town” where she and her family resides, and it’s one of my favorite parts of the state.

*Yes, I love kids. Had 3. That was enough.

**Coincidentally, the Dooce lady lives about 4 blocks from me. No, I don’t know her, but everyone in the ‘hood knows who she is. The Mommy-blog phenomenon falls in the same life-experience category for me as TV Reality Shows, cruises, spectator sports, and golf: something that is obviously wildly popular among millions of people, but which I totally Do Not Get. This Do-Not-Get category is a life-long head-scratcher for me. Sometimes, late at night, I wonder if I’m really human, or in fact some kind of alien-deployed doppelganger/android, and the Do-Not-Get category reflects a range of topics which my Secret Alien Masters neglected to program into my cognition/ awareness module.

***Note for AW, who will inevitably read this: No, no, no- don’t call the divorce lawyer; I’m not cooking up a scheme to move us out to Nevada. It’s just a fantasy, like being an astronaut, or a rock star, or that time I asked you to speak with a Mexican accent and pretend to be Selma Hayek****.

****Totally, totally kidding.

Pie Queen Closer to home, I’ve added Jube/Lucy’s blog, Married with Bikes. Lucy is another Salt Lake mountain biker who blogs about all sorts of things, but my absolute favorite posts are when she writes about her work. She’s a hydrogeologist working for the state of Utah, and knows all sorts of cool stuff about local geology and hydrology. She’s involved in assessing water flows, tables and sources in the Snake River Valley (focus of a highly-controversial project to suck the very life and soul out of a stunning rural valley to construct a water pipeline to Las Vegas.)

Tangent: But none of this is the remarkable thing about Lucy’s blog. No, the truly remarkable thing about MWB is that isn’t technically her blog; it’s hers and her husband’s (aka Drew) blog. They alternate posting, always doing do in a relentlessly upbeat and cheerful tone, neither one ever making so much as a snarky wise-crack about the other. Now I know many readers, like me, have blogs of their own. Seriously- can you imagine co-authoring a blog with your spouse? AW would kill me with a kitchen utensil within a week*. How do they do it? Is it a newlywed deal, is there some kind of Stepford thing at work? (In all seriousness, the 2 of them are some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet.)

*Yes, yes, I know what you’re thinking: “But that’s because your blog is so freaking weird…” OK, so maybe that might accelerate the inevitable homicide, but I still think- even for normal people- that co-authoring a blog with one’s spouse would be tough.

dug planet of apes hat Lastly is SuncrestDug, another local biker/skier who also lives nearby, specifically up on (wait for it… wait for it..) Suncrest. I don’t know Dug in real life, but we have a couple of friends in common, and I expect sometime we’ll meet. (Pulled this photo off his blog. I totally love the hat; it makes him look like one of those telepath-guys in the 2nd Planet of the Apes movie who lived underground and worshipped the atom bomb.) In the meantime I regularly enjoy his blog for the writing, humor and social/human observations. Something that’s difficult to convey to out-of-staters about Utah is that there are a lot of funny things about living here that you can’t get really get unless you live here. I can’t explain it any better than that, other than to say that Dug routinely highlights and nails these things in his blog.

Third Thing – Graphics Re-Use Permission

You got it. Seriously, it’s fine to re-use them.

From time to time I’ll get a comment on an old post, and a good many of these old-post-comments are asking policy/permission to use graphics.

Tangent: Sadly, these requests are inevitably to use “serious” graphics, such as this, this, or this, and never my favorite graphics, such as this, this, or this*. One of my secret fantasies is that I’m walking down some city street someday and pass someone wearing a T-Shirt with one of my graphics on it**.

*Or this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this or this. Seriously, how awesome are my graphics? I wish there were some kind of blog-award for graphics; I would totally win it.

**In my secretest fantasy, it turns out to be Selma Hayek wearing the T-shirt.

So here’s my policy: go for it. Feel free to use any graphic or photo- of mine- that appears in this blog. Note that I often include photos that are not mine, and try to clearly mark/link such photos when I do so. But any graphic or photo that’s mine, you’re welcome to use.

If you do so, it would be nice if you gave source-credit to this blog. Though this is a completely non-commercial venture, I spend a fair amount of time and effort creating these graphics, and I’d appreciate the acknowledgement. But if you forget, space or simply blow off doing so, no worries; I won’t sue you or send you snarky emails. You’ll just be filled with a general ill-at-ease, bad-karma vibe that will slowly eat away at you, disrupt your sleep, undermine your social, professional and family relationships, and ultimately completely and utterly destroy everything you value in this life, turning you into a sad, lonely, friendless empty husk of a person. But really, no worries.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pigeon Week Part 3: Peregrine Attacks, Plumage and Feral Future

When you think “pigeon”, you probably have an image in your head that looks something like this: dark head and neck, light gray breast and belly, black-tipped tail, and 2 black stripes on each wing. But if you slow down a bit and check out a group of pigeons around town, you’ll notice that many look quite different.

The “standard” type I described above is a called a Blue-bar, even though the bars on its wings aren’t blue, and it’s closest in coloration to wild rock pigeons. Another very common color pattern is called the Blue Checker. At first glance they appear similar to Blue-bars, but their wing bars are generally a bit wider, and the feathers between bars and neck are spotted with black “checks.” You’ll also notice that some pigeons are very dark, almost a black slate color except for more metallic-y looking feathers on the neck, and this pattern is called Spread.

Plumage Types1 Every once in a while you’ll see a white pigeon. Though a few white pigeons are true albinos, most are not; they’re just colored white, and their non-albinism is almost always belied by a few spots of darker color. Another noticeable pattern is pigeons that have spots of white in key locations only, such as the head, or wing-tips, and this pattern is called Pied. Yet other pigeons have red or reddish-brown feathers, and depending on the distribution of such feathers, some of these are known as Red or Red-bar.

So there are a number of basic color patterns among pigeons, with many subtle gradations between the basic types, and therefore unlike almost all of the other wild animals we see daily around town- magpies, crows, starlings, mule deer, squirrels, raccoons- individual pigeons are fairly easy to tell apart.

Tangent: In fact, over the 2 weeks that I’ve been observing and photographing my favorite flock at the strip mall on the NW corner of 1300 East and 8600 South, IMG_4312I’ve actually come to recognized several individuals, and noticed that they almost always perch at the exact same location. This White (pic right) for instance, is always just under the West-facing eave atop of the Indian/Chinese restaurant building. The Pied pictured below is on the East side of the roof across the lot, the Northernmost of the 2 pigeons perched there. Seriously, if you live in Salt Lake Valley and you drive over there right now, I’ll bet money that’s exactly where they’ll be.

So while it’s nice that they’re easy to tell apart, it raises an interesting question: why so many colors/color patterns? Wild pigeons, true wild Columba livia, from the Old World, are basically all Blue-bars. The pigeons we see are feral pigeons, meaning that they’re descended from domestic pigeons who at some point escaped captivity. Human breeders have bred pigeons for many characteristics, including color, so it’s easy to see where feral pigeons got their color: from their domesticated ancestors.

Pied TypeBut that doesn’t explain why they’ve kept their colors. Most feral animal populations, after successive generations, tend toward a similar coloration pattern. One might argue that not enough time has passed for colors to “average out”, but feral pigeons have been thriving in North America for hundreds of generations, and in the Old World for thousands. The answer isn’t obvious. A number of raptors hunt pigeons, and in the wild animals with unusual coloration tend to be singled out of a flock or pack more often by predators. So why don’t modern feral pigeons look more alike?

There are some trends in pattern and coloration. In Eurasia, the farther North you go between about 40 and 60 degrees in latitude, the darker feral pigeons tend to be. The trend is too high for chance*but it’s not clear what the Northern selection pressure for darker pigeons is.

*Specifically 21 locations sample between 41N and 62N, showing a correlation coefficient of r = 0.75.

Another trend is that urban populations seem to show more color variety- and specifically more whites- than rural, “wild”-living feral populations. It’s suspected that the relative dearth of traditional raptor-predators in many urban areas may ease selection pressure toward wild-type coloration, and non blue-bar color-patterns (think Checker or Spread) may even have advantages against other urban-specific threats, such as humans, dogs and cats.

WhiteRump1 While the possible benefits and liabilities of all color patterns under all conditions aren’t known, the benefit of at least one pattern is. Many feral pigeons- and many truly wild pigeons- have a distinctive white patch on their lower backs, just above the tail. When the pigeon is on the ground, the patch is mostly covered by the folded wings and not easy to see (pic left). But if you catch a glimpse of a pigeon flying away from you, it’s immediately obvious (pic below, left).

peregrine-falcon-2-18-05-mi Over a 7 year period, researchers observed several flocks of feral pigeons, numbering roughly 5,000 total, in the Davis, California area, roughly 23% of whom had this white patch. During this time they witnessed nearly 1500 attacks on these pigeons by 5 Peregrine Falcons (pic right, not mine) in the area, 3 of whom were still juveniles when the study began. Peregrines are regular and highly effective predators of pigeons, swooping down from above and behind and capturing them in mid-air. The adults in the study made a successful kill in 40% of attempts, while the juveniles were successful 19% of the time.

WhiteRump2 Of the ~5,000 pigeons, about 23% had the white rump-patch I just described above. So of the pigeons killed by the Peregrines over the 7 year study, guess what percentage had the white rump-patch. Probably around 23%, right? Guess again- it was 2%. That’s right, if you were a pigeon in Davis, California over the last decade, having white feathers on your rump made you 10 times likelier to successfully evade a mid-air Peregrine attack.

Actually, that’s not quite right. I should say, having white feathers on your rump made you 10 times likelier not to get killed by a Peregrine, period. Because while the juvenile Peregrines attacked White-Rumpers about as often as they attacked any pigeon- roughly 20% of the time, adult Peregrines only bothered to even try to catch them about half as often- only 10% of the time. The adults clearly learned that White-Rumpers were harder to catch, and so most of the time focused on other, easier-to-catch color patterns.

What was going on? Could White-Rumpers be faster, smarter or more maneuverable than other pigeons? Apparently not; the researchers captured over 700 White-Rumpers and Blue-bars and switched their rump-feathers, whereupon the (former) White-Rumpers lost their advantage and the Blue-bar-transplants suddenly became 10 times harder to catch!

All About Peregrine Attacks

To understand the advantage of the white rump-patch, we have to know a bit about how Peregrines catch pigeons. Peregrines target pigeons from high above. When they lock into a target, they go into a dive, reaching speeds of over 200 mph*. PAttack TrajectoryThe falcon levels off from its dive on the level of the targeted pigeon, at a point 20-100 meters behind it. Pigeons are themselves fast- racing pigeons have been clocked at 94 MPH- but not fast enough. The Peregrine closes from behind and catches the pigeon in its talons. Well, 40% of the time, anyway.

*Fastest animal on the planet.

Target1 The other 60% of the time, the Peregrine misses, and it misses because the pigeon takes evasive action. The most common evasive maneuver is a roll, which the pigeon effects by dropping one wing and quickly rolling 360 degrees over and down to a plane below the Peregrine’s attack trajectory.

Target2 To be able to catch the pigeon, the Peregrine must quickly modify its (very high-speed) trajectory, and to do so it must observe and react to the pigeon’s wing-drop, which marks the beginning of the roll. But for some reason, the white rump-patch appears to make the Peregrine less able to detect the wing-drop and correct course in time. Somehow this bright white spot distracts the falcon’s attention from the wings, and it misses the pigeon.

Target3 Wow. White rump-patches sound awesome! Why don’t all feral pigeons have them? Well, not all feral pigeons are regularly exposed to Peregrines, and for a few decades, hardly any were. In non-Peregrine environments, it’s not obvious that they offer any other benefits, and who knows, they may be a liability when confronted with other predators. In the 1960s Peregrines came close to extinction, and disappeared completely from the Eastern US and Canada. DDT weakened their eggshells, which routinely cracked during incubation. But now they’re making a come-back, and re-colonizing much of their former range. And, like pigeons, they seem to adapt well to cities, nest on high buildings and attracted by the availability of prey (pigeons!) It may well be that the return of the Peregrines is creating a selection pressure for white rump-feathers, and in fact over the course of the Davis study the researchers noticed an increase in the occurrence of this color-pattern.

Extra Detail: The birds that had the roughest time with DDT were those which, like Peregrines or Bald Eagles, are at or near the top of the food chain. DDT (C14H9Cl5) is a chlorinated hydrocarbon, and accumulates in the fatty tissues of creatures who ingest it. The concentration increases as other creatures consume those contaminated tissues, resulting in much higher concentrations in top predators. Seabirds also had a tough time, as they ate large numbers of contaminated fish. Brown Pelicans in particular came close to extinction but are now recovering nicely.

That’s just one pattern and one story. In the many environments- both rural and urban- which feral pigeons inhabit, there may be other color-pattern-benefit stories we haven’t yet figured out.

So it’s time to wrap up Pigeon Week, and I want to do so by returning to the issue I keep mentioning but skirting past- their “feral-ness.”

Wild pigeons were first domesticated, for food, some 5,000 years ago, making them the world’s first domesticated bird. They’ve been bred in captivity ever since, for food, as well as communication and sport (racing), and for as long as people have been keeping pigeons, pigeons have been escaping from them. We know that many ancient cities had flocks of feral pigeons, including Rome, where they roosted atop some of the major buildings and monuments.

Pigeons were introduced to North America in 1606 by French colonists in Nova Scotia, and starting escaping shortly thereafter. Today in pretty much any major city in the world, you can easily find feral pigeons. They’re everywhere, and it’s hard to think of a bird that’s doing better in the human-altered world of today.

IMG_4322 Which is ironic, because wild pigeons may be close to extinction. Not last-guy-dropping-dead extinction, but genotypic extinction. As feral pigeons expand their range and multiply, they’re both cross-breeding with, and simply out-breeding, wild pigeons when coming into contact with them. By the end of this century, there could well be no truly wild pigeons anywhere in the world.

This isn’t as weird or unusual as it may sound. An example we see all the time is ducks. The common duck you see in parks or on ponds is the Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos. Mallards are another exotic, introduced to North America by Europeans, and the wild ducks we see here today are- yes, that’s right- feral. Mallards interbreed with many native ducks when encountered, and it’s believed at least some native North American ducks, such as the American Black Duck, A. rubripes, may already be genotypically extinct, surviving today only in hybrid form. Similar possible gentotypic extinctions are happening or have happened with native ducks in Hawaii, South Africa, and elsewhere. Genotypic extinction isn’t just a bird thing either; as we saw almost 2 years ago, exotic Old World triploid Dandelions present a similar threat to the remaining North American species.

Tangent: There’s a weird parallel with some human populations (though I want to be careful and make clear that the differences between disjunct populations of modern humans are nowhere near the level to be considered separate “species.”) Truganini, the last full-blooded Tasmanian aboriginal, died in 1876, a tidbit referenced in a number of sources as the “extinction” of the native Tasmanians. This “extinction” moniker has ticked off a number of modern-day Tasmanians, who while not full-blooded, claim Tasmanian ancestry. It’s probably more accurate to say that Tasmanian aboriginals are genotypically extinct.

Nested Tangent: While I’m diving into borderline-taboo human ancestry topics, I can’t help but noting another parallel- this one more inspiring. Successful feral species make me think of human populations whose ancestors escaped from bondage. The one we’re probably all most familiar with is the Israelites’ escape from Egypt, but recent (and historically clearer) stories are right in our back yard.

The recent earthquake in Haiti is yet another in a series of tragic mishaps to befall that nation, and nowadays when we think of the place, we regard it mostly with sadness and pity. That’s sad in and of itself, but it’s doubly sad in that it obscures the human triumph of Haiti’s founding: an enslaved people who united, rose up, successfully overthrew their masters, and founded a nation- a story unique in the hemisphere (maybe the world?), something accomplished by no other modern people. And while they didn’t give rise to a nation-state, the stories of the Jamaican Maroons or the Garifuna of Central America are no less inspiring. For me, these are some of the most stirring stories of recent human history and at some level I envy these peoples the pride they must feel of the sacrifices and accomplishments of their ancestors, even if I don’t envy their present circumstances.

But the mallards, while interfertile, are a different species; feral pigeons are the same species as wild pigeons. Why would they outbreed them?

Domesticated animals are bred for traits desirable to their human masters, a process called artificial selection, which has produced the array of domestic pets and livestock we see today. Domestic pigeons have been bred for several traits, one of which is fecundity. Domestic pigeons regularly rear as many as 18-20 squabs per year. I mentioned in part 2 that feral pigeons in temperate latitudes breed year-round. But what I didn’t mention is that wild pigeons don’t; year-round breeding is a legacy of human domestication, and their feral descendants, with their human-induced powers of fertility, are steadily out-breeding their wild cousins.

Tangent: I’m fascinated by feral animals, their origins and lifestyle. Sometime I wonder if, long after we humans disappeared, if evolution were to somehow eventually bring some feral species- pigeons, ducks, dogs, horses to a state of human-like intelligence and self-awareness, and these future pigeonoids or duckanoids or whatever were to investigate and research and come to understand their evolutionary past, including their domesticated origins, how might they regard us? As protectors? Parasites? Angels? Gods?

IMG_4316 That’s Pigeon Week. I hope you enjoyed it, and that the next time you notice a flock of pigeons you don’t just dismiss them as “feathered rats.” They see and sense a world beyond the one you or I see, their family lives are exemplary, and their story inspiring. Pigeons are way cool.

This series feels like kind of a milestone for me in this project. We’ve checked out some several of the most common, taken for granted birds around, including the 3 Big Exotics (Pigeons, House Sparrows and Starlings) as well as our own local signature corvid (Magpie.) In each case their stories have turned out to be way, way more interesting than I ever would have guessed when I decided to check them out. And that’s really been the big epiphany of this whole project for me: that everything, every living creature, not just the rare or unique or exotic, but the most common, “boring”, ordinary, everyday creatures, things like Pigeons and Dandelions and Crabgrass and Box Elder Bugs and Yellowjackets have these amazing stories behind them. It feels good to understand and connect these stories. Sort of like, after all these years, the world is starting to make sense.

Note about sources: It was a pleasure to research a topic with so many excellent sources available. I’m extremely grateful to my friend and fellow nature blogger KB for helping me track several of them down. Much of the info for Parts 1 and 2 came from this site and this site, which also provided much of the plumage info for Part 3. This paper provided the data of the Davis, California plumage study referenced in Part 3. This paper detailed the possible genotypic extinction of wild pigeons. Additional info came from Colin Tudge’s outstanding book The Bird, and from the Cornell ornithology website. (And I’m forgetting probably a dozen other very helpful sites.)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Pigeon Week Part 2: Mating, Meiosis and Milk

The next way cool thing about Pigeons is how they raise their young. The next time you hear someone go on about “feathered rats”, consider this: on average, Pigeons are arguably more doting- and certainly more egalitarian- parents than we are. Pigeons are prolific breeders* and both sexes take the business of child-rearing quite seriously.

*Feral pigeons, especially, for reasons we’ll get into in Part 3.

Climate permitting, feral pigeons breed year-round. Here in North America that means they’ll breed year-round, or close to it, up to about latitude 40 degrees North*. In the UK, it’s clear up to 54 degrees North.

*Which is, by wonderful coincidence, the latitude of Salt Lake City. How cool is that? Pretty freaking cool, that’s how. I tell you, the longer I live here, the more I feel like it is the center of the universe.

IMG_4262 Pigeon courtship involves a fair amount of cooing, bowing, playful running, and- apparently- foreplay, including something called “billing”, in which, in a weird analog of French-kissing, the female inserts her bill inside the male’s open bill, usually with both their eyes closed. Following mating, the male often makes a brief “display flight”, in which he claps his wings behind his back*. Pigeons mate for life.

*I love this. It’s like he’s strutting about, high-fiving himself.

About 10 days following mating, a female pigeon lays 2 eggs, roughly 40 hours apart. There are 2 really interesting things about these eggs. The first is that the eggs are almost always 1 male and 1 female, which seems neat but odd. In pigeons, like all birds, sex is determined chromosomally, in a manner similar to- and yet completely opposite from- that of mammals.

This Part You Already Know But I Included It Because On The Off-Chance You Don’t Know It You’ll Get Totally Lost

In mammals, like us, sex is determined by an XY chromosomal system. We have 46 chromosomes arranged in 23 pairs. Each pair represents 2 of the same type of chromosome, one of which received from our mother, the other from our father. The exception is our sex chromosomes. Females have 2 of the same type, called “X’, but males have 1 “X” and one “Y”. Only men carry a “Y” chromosome. When a human female produces an egg, it contains just 23 chromosomes*, one of which is always an “X”. When a human male produces a sperm cell, it contains just 23 chromosomes, one of which is either an “X” or a “Y”. So the chances of a human couple conceiving a boy or a girls are, generally speaking**, 50%.

*The obvious exception is the occurrence of trisomy caused by the production of a sex cell (by either parent) that contains 2- and not just 1- chromosome at a given location, resulting in a fertilized zygote containing 3- and not 2- chromosomes at that location. Trisomy can occur on any chromosome, but is only survivable (to birth) at a few locations, including the X/Y chromosomes, and chromosomes #21 (Down’s Syndrome), #13 or #18 (the latter 2 always resulting in severe birth defects.)

**It’s actually a bit more complicated than this. Slightly more human boys than girls are born. But that’s a topic way outside the scope of this post.

This Part You Already Know If You Are A Longtime Reader Of This Blog (Or Just Knowledgeable About Birds)

In birds, the exact opposite is going on. Pigeons have 18 chromosomes arranged in 9 pairs, 1 of which is the sex chromosomes. But it’s males who have the same chromosome- called “Z”- while females bear 1 “Z” and 1”W”. Only female pigeons carry a “W” chromosome. When a female pigeon produces an (unfertilized) egg*, it contains just 9 chromosomes, one of which is either a “W” or a “Z”. When a male pigeon produces a sperm cell, it contains just 9 chromosomes, one of which is always a “Z”. So the chances of a pigeon couple conceiving a male or female squab is, generally speaking, 50%.

*As opposed to a fertilized, make-an-omelette kind of egg. So I guess “egg” is loaded term here, and I probably should say “ovum.”

PPSQ1 If you have a 50/50 chance for a boy or a girl, and you have 2 children, then out of the 4 possible combinations- boy-boy, girl-girl, boy-girl, and girl-boy- 50%, or 2, of your two-child pairs will include 1 boy and 1 girl, and the other 2 will be either both boys or both girls*.

*And of course this is the case with human fraternal twins, such as Twin A & Twin B. The reason most twins overall are one sex or the other is because all identical twins are always the same sex. BTW, the single dopiest question you can ask a parent of boy-girl twins is, “Are they identical?” Seriously, you might just as well tattoo “I HAVE NO CLUE” across your forehead.

PPSQ2 Only with pigeons, that’s not what happens. The vast majority- far more than 50%- of pigeon squab nest-mates are male-female. How can this be? The mechanism is unknown.

It gets even weirder. 70% of the time, the first egg laid is male, and the second, ~40 hours later, is female. How can this be? Again, the mechanism is unknown. The male, laid earlier, generally hatches before the female, begins eating, and gains weight rapidly. If food is sparse, and only 1 squab makes it, it’s usually the slightly bigger, first-born male who survives, and the female who dies. The benefit of laying the male egg first seems to be a greater survival likelihood for the male, though the advantage of this to the parent is unclear.

Conjectural Tangent*: Whatever’s happening, it’s happening in the female. Remember, the “W” chromosome can only come from her, so it’s her ova that are determining the sex. Presumably there’s some benefit to pigeons, some slightly better statistical success-payoff in the long run, to bearing young in pairs of opposite sex. And presumably, if only one of your 2 squabs is going to make it, there’s some slightly better statistical success-payoff in the long run if that survivor is male ~2/3 of the time.

*Warning: All of my conjectural tangents are just that- totally conjectural, and almost certainly wrong. But they’re fun to think about.

I say “presumably” because of course I have no idea. But there are millions and millions of pigeons, with an average generation-time of just a couple of years. And across thousands/millions of years, and billions of pigeons, these weird statistics have worked out and hold steady worldwide. There has to be a long-term statistical driver behind it.

So somehow, female pigeons have evolved to either a) release 2 ova roughly concurrently, but slightly staggered, or b) release 2 ova concurrently, but, following fertilization, stagger development of the embryos by roughly 40 hours. And more remarkably, she’s evolved to produce these ova, in most cases, alternating between W and Z ova, which in turn implies that whatever mechanism is at work here is at the meiosis level. That’s incredible! How is it controlled? What is going on?

Meiosis- or the division of diploid cells into haploid gametes- is the process by which all sex cells are created, and occurs in 4 distinct phases, encompassing 2 stages of cell division. I won’t go through all the details, but in human females, the first phase- called Prophase 1- happens before birth. In Prophase 1 the chromosomes in the initial germ cell split, which, in a female bird, means that one half ends up with a “W”, and the other with a “Z.” The proto-eggs then remain “on ice” until puberty, when they complete the meiosis process. But the initial splitting of the germ cell’s chromosomes happens in Prophase 1.

Does the timing work this way in birds? I don’t know*. But if it does, it would mean that the sex determination of gender- which ultimately occurs in Prophase 1, specifically in the female- would happen before birth. If this is the case, it means that somehow the female pigeon is positioning or packaging eggs, by gender, for eventual sequenced release, before birth.

*Specifically, does Prophase 1 occur before birth? I spent- no kidding- an hour online trying to find out before I gave up.

NOTE 9/22/10: Anonymous commenter answered this footnote-question. In birds Prophase 1 occurs 24-48 hours before ovulation (very different from the timing in mammals). See comments for details, source..

This sounds crazy, but the other possibility sounds even crazier: the female pigeon, as an adult, actively and real-time recognizes and sorts eggs by gender internally. How could this be? What “signature” would an egg bear based on whether it contained a W or a Z chromosome?

Whatever is going on inside of female pigeons, it is some seriously complicated shit.

The couple shares incubation duties, the male incubating by day, the female by night. After about 18 days the 2 eggs hatch, usually about 24 hours apart. After the squabs hatch, the parents feed them, which is pretty normal for all sorts of birds. But what they feed them is not; they feed them milk.

It isn’t actually “milk”, in the strict, mammalian sense of a white emulsion of fatty globules in a water-based fluid. But it is a remarkable analog, and like so many avian-analogs we’ve looked at- color vision, foveal vision, thermoregulation, gender-determination, intelligence/self-awareness- it’s a fundamentally different way of solving the same problem.

Crop Graphic Pigeon milk is produced by fluid-filled cells lining the crop, which is a specialized organ present in many birds, located at the bottom of the esophagus, and generally used for food storage. Crops are thought to have come about as a mechanism for a bird to quickly gather and accumulate food from a location more rapidly than it might consume it, thereby minimizing on-location exposure to potential predators. Pigeons and game birds tend to have larger crops. The evolution of development of “milk”-production in the crop is an apparent example of an exaptation, or the leveraging by natural selection of a component(s) originally evolved for a different function.

Pigeon milk, like mammalian milk, is a highly nutritious, easy-to-consume, digest and metabolize food source rich in fats and proteins. Only more so: the protein, fat and overall dry matter content of pigeon milk is higher than human or cow milk. “Milk” is also a misnomer in that the substance secreted is more like a yellowy cottage cheese in appearance and texture, consisting of 35% dry matter, compared with 8% dry matter for human, and 4% for cow milk.

For the first several days, the squabs are fed the milk by their parents, who regurgitate it up from their crops, and into their mouths. After a few days, the parents add regurgitated seeds- mixed in with the milk- to the squabs’ diet, and gradually wean them off the milk at around a week or so.

Tangent: To a human, regurgitating food into someone else’s mouth sounds like, well, the grossest thing imaginable. But it’s remarkable how common it is in the animal world. Birds do it all the time, as do all kinds insects, and wolves regurgitate partially-digested meat to their pups. Lots of critters do it, and it seems to work just fine. And besides, I suspect some of the things we do would seem pretty disgusting to other creatures. I sometimes think that to an egg-laying creature like a bird, a live birth must be about the grossest thing imaginable.

The evolution of “milk” in pigeons is cleverer than it seems. Pigeons are mainly vegetarians; they don’t generally eat bugs. One of the challenges for non insect-eating birds is getting enough protein to their chicks that they attain critical mass prior to fledging*. Some species alter their diets to include bugs when in need of additional protein, but milk-production represents another solution to the problem.

*And it was this aspect of House Finch diet that turned out to be the undoing of the Brown-Headed Cowbirds who parasitized their nests, as we saw in last year’s Bird Feeder Week. (Man, was that an great week or what?)

flamingo2 Side Note: Still another cool thing about milk-production in birds is that it has evolved multiple times independently. Flamingoes (pic right, not mine) feed “milk” to their young, which is produced, not in a crop, but rather in glands lining the upper digestive tract. In a creepy vampire-like twist, the milk contains large numbers of both red and white blood cells. Emperor Penguins (pic below, left, not mine) also feed their chicks “milk”, in this case produced directly in the esophagus.

penguin1 Interestingly, though all 3- pigeons, flamingoes, and penguins- produce milk, the evolutionary drivers for doing so appear to have been different. In pigeons it was driven by the need to ingest maximum protein prior to fledging. In flamingoes, they’re only able to ingest liquid food while their specialized feeding apparatus develops. In Emperor Penguins, it serves as a critical supplement in a food-barren environment. (Penguins eat fish, but incubate/hatch eggs fairly far inland.)

If you didn’t notice already, I’ve been glossing over something in my description of pigeon milk. I’ve consistently said “parent” in place of “mother”, and the reason for this is that both sexes of pigeon produce milk, starting to do so a few days before eggs hatch. With the exception of a couple of species of bat, no male mammal is known to routinely produce milk.

Pigeon Nursing I’ve already mentioned the admirable parenting habits of pigeon-fathers, and such behavior isn’t unusual in the world of birds. Although certainly many bird species are “bad dads”, the males of many, many species are exceptional caregivers, and in many species even assume the lion’s share of incubation and chick-rearing duties. In mammals, with a few notable exceptions, such as humans and wolves, the vast, vast majority of species- including bears, cats, deer, rats, and former presidential candidates from North Carolina- are completely uninvolved- if not outright absentee- fathers. 90% of bird species are primarily monogamous*; only 10% of mammal species are.

*Though virtually all will cheat, given circumstance and opportunity.

One reason why this might be so is eggs. A female mammal carries her young until birth, and there’s not all that much many male mammals can or need do to help things along. By the time the offspring is delivered, he’s long gone. But since so much of a bird’s prenatal development takes place outside the mother, it opens up all kinds of incubation and egg-protection scenarios, many, many of which involve ongoing paternal participation, in turn keeping the male around till hatching. Some number- a big number- of these high-paternal-involvement scenarios led to more chicks surviving to hatch, fledge, mature and mate, which in turn led to… well, you get it already.

The Phenomenal Unfairness of Being Born Female

Tangent: Thinking about birds and mammals and gender always leads me back to thinking about humans and gender, which leads in turn to what for me has always been one of the big, unfathomable mysteries of life: the unfairness of being female.

Any rational way you slice it for a human being, being born female seems like a bad deal. They’re physically weaker, and their entire bodies are, well, structurally compromised for child-bearing. To pass a human head during delivery, our females’ hips have become so wide that women basically walk wrong. Routine childbirth for humans is a far more traumatic, painful, and life-threatening event than it is for pretty much any other large mammal. Every month women are plagued with inconvenience and discomfort, and although all humans fall victim to cancer, breast cancer strikes down under-40 women in their prime far, far more often than prostate cancer afflicts similarly-aged men.

Women routinely live with threat (or reality) of sexual or spousal violence, and the common, unwanted attentions of people bigger and stronger than them. In love, the penalties of misjudgment, indiscretion, or plain bad luck (unplanned pregnancy) are always greater for women, in terms of health, time, missed opportunities and cultural stigma. In the majority of human societies throughout history, and arguably today, women have enjoyed far fewer legal and property rights. Even in modern America, women earn less, and are remarkably under-represented politically.

Obscenely-priced cosmetics and hair products, burkhas/ veils/ headscarves, pantyhose that endure only a handful of wearings, shoes that are both exorbitant and borderline un-wearable. How do they stand it?

Nested Tangent: There’s another mystery to me embedded in this one, and that is how theists- people of faith- regard gender. Theologians seem to spend endless cycles considering or debating specifics of the afterlife, the path to salvation, or the duality of Christ, and yet, with a few exceptions (immaculate conception, virgin birth, original sin), don’t seem to think much about the greatest of God’s mysteries: How’d he pick who gets/has to be male/female? Specifically, do souls have gender? Or are souls neuter, above/beyond gender and base sexuality, and we’re simply assigned a gender in this life. If gender is assigned, what did women do to deserve their female-ness*? And if they’re not assigned, how does God decide which souls to make female?

*Yes, I’ve read Genesis, and I say, “Give me a break.” Assigning punishment to the great (x-times) great granddaughter of a “criminal” is even more morally repugnant than the psychotic-feudal family labor camps of North Korea.

If souls don’t have gender, and you believe in an afterlife, are you and your spouse really going to want to hang together for eternity? Doesn’t anybody think about this stuff*?

*Yes, I know some people do. Mormons are a good example. In Mormon theology, soul is definitely linked to gender, and that’s important, because married couples remain together in the afterlife. For me though, that opens up a whole other can of worms. I love AW dearly, but I wonder if after 500, 10,000, or a million years or so, what would we talk about? Seriously, at some point, after a few millennia or so, you must wake up every day and be like, “What- you again?” Anyway, I don’t think there is an afterlife, but if there is I’m thinking maybe I’d like to play the field a bit.

But that- none of that- is the unfathomable part to me. No, the unfathomable part is that the vast majority of women with whom I’ve had this conversation don’t agree* with me. They’re glad they were born female! How can this be? Don’t they see what an awful, terrible hand life has dealt them? It seems sometimes that no matter how long you live around women, so much about them is forever a mystery.

*Of course, at some level I generally find it unfathomable that anybody ever disagrees with me about anything, but then I guess that’s part of the unfathomable mystery of being male.

After about 4 days, the parents begin to augment the squabs’ diet with regurgitated seeds mixed in with the milk. By day 8-10 they’re almost fully weaned, being fed just seeds. At around day 30-35 they leave the nest.

But usually around day 20 the female lays the next pair of eggs, initiating a somewhat crowded period in the nest called clutch overlap. Clutch overlap is a busy time, with both eggs to incubate and mouths to feed. Guess who picks up the slack? That’s right- Dad. During overlap the male assumes a majority of feeding duties for the squabs.

Clutch Overlap Clutch overlap, and the rapid, year-round reproductive cycle of pigeons leads to perhaps the most interesting questions about them: Where are they from, and how come there are so darn many of them?

Next Up*: Coloration, Defense, and the Remarkable Natural History of Feral Pigeons.

*Will bleed into next week. These theme “weeks” are tough to pull off on schedule. But aren’t pigeons cool? Jason? Hello? I am talking to you.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Sorry, what can I say. Up early for a frozen mtb ride, crazy day at work, worked some more after dinner, then tucked into Part 2. Almost wrapped it up, but bonked completely around 10PM, before I could get to graphics. Anyway, here’s a teaser: if you’re male, I’m willing to bet my next paycheck that a typical male pigeon is a better dad than you are. No kidding*.

*Actually I am kidding. Not about the better dad part, but about the paycheck part. I don’t care if you’re like the Jesus of Dads, I’m not giving you my paycheck. I’m not even giving you like 5 bucks. (But I’d probably give you a WatcherSticker.)

Little more filler- here’s a quick clip from yesterday’s pre-work ride in City Creek. Nice higher up, but the icy switchbacks down lower are pretty scary.

And for anyone who actually was hoping to learn something here today, go check out Berry-Go-Round at the Phytophactor. I always learn something at BGR, and Phytophactor, unlike me, is a plant-freak who actually knows what he’s talking about.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Pigeon Week Intermission: The Throwdown

Pigeon Week will continue tomorrow, but today just some quick catch-up/filler.

I really believe that the world is divided into two kinds of people: People who already know that pecan pie is the best kind of pie ever invented, and People Who Just Don’t Get It*.

*Sadly, (Otherwise) Awesome Wife is in this category. Her favorite pie is cherry pie. Which would be OK, except that she’s sort of like a Cherry Pie Communist Party Boss. Before every family holiday, she’ll poll various family members as to what kind of pie they’d like to have. (We choose 2.) She’ll take everyone’s “vote”, tabulate and then happily announce the results, which, remarkably, always include cherry, even though I’m reasonably certain that no one besides her has ever cast a vote for it.

Anyway, Friday night was a pecan-pie-lover’s dream come true. One of the nice, unexpected side-benefits of this project is some of the great friends I’ve made through blogging. Now 2 of these friends- Rachel and Jube- are formidable cooks. And it came to pass a month or so back that some smack-talk was exchanged regarding who made the best Pecan Pie. Things escalated from there, and so it was that Friday night several of is gathered at the Watcher Family Headquarters for the first ever Salt Lake Valley Pecan Pie Throwdown, a truly epic competitive event.

The Pies Tangent: Pecans, BTW, are way cool. First off, even though they look like Walnuts, they taste sweeter, less bitter, and way, way yummier.* The two are fairly closely-related, both belonging to the Walnut Family, Juglandaceae**. Botanists go back and forth on whether Pecans and Walnuts are true nuts or drupe fruits (the part you eat is endocarp), similar to apricots, plums and almonds***

*Totally my opinion, no science whatsoever to back it up. Hey, it’s a Filler-Post, lighten up!

**Not a family we’ve looked at before. It’s part of the order Fagales, though, which includes Oaks, Birches and Beeches.

***Though not closely-related to any of them (those guys all belong to the genus Prunus, within the Rose Family.) Drupe-style fruit architecture has evolved independently multiple times, even just within the Rose family.

But the coolest thing about Pecans is that they’re an “American Original”, native to North America, and one of the “newest” commercial crops, having been domesticated only since the 1880’s.

Bonus Tangent: So are Walnuts native or exotic? Sort of both. There are Walnut species native to both the Old and New World. The walnuts we eat are generally from the Persian (or English)Walnut, Juglans regia, which has been grown commercially in California since the early 1800’s. But interestingly, in the 1890s, growers switched to grafting J. regia onto rootstock of the native Hind’s Black Walnut, J. hindsii, for that species’ superior disease resistance. In the 1950’s, growers switched rootstocks again, to the “Paradox Walnut”, a hybrid of J. regia and J. hindsii, and that’s what grows most of the walnuts we eat today.

The contest was delightful but challenging, and judges UTRider, Blackdog and yours truly* summoned all of their powers of taste amd discernment in awarding the prize. But when the votes were cast, Jube was declared Pie Queen.

*SkiBikeJunkie was also present but was DQ’d as a judge on account of allegedly having slept with one of the contestants. He briefly denied the charge in hopes of participating, but their 3 children ratted him out.

Pie Queen It should be noted that Rachel’s pie was also fantastic, and in fact won first place in the Elite Youth Judging Panel.*

*BirdWhisperer, Twin B, UTboy and UTgirl. JunkieGirl was DQ’d on account of allegedly having been delivered and raised by one of the contestants.