Friday, September 17, 2010

Blue. Check.

IMG_7301 I finally came across blue elderberries this morning* (pic left), in a place where I least expected them: at the very bottom of the Death Climb across from the zoo, right at the start of the “tunnel”. There they were, hanging down in big bunches.

*Because I had completely given up looking for them, and I am the kind of guy who can only find things when I am not looking for them.

I noticed BTW, that the “tunnel” is kind of interesting botanically. I don’t think I’ve ever really looked around there before because I’m always heads-down, granny-cranking up while trying to work back and forth across the trail-centered perma-gully without spinning out. Need to just go back there for a stroll…

TUNNEL DC Map cut Somebody flipped the switch this week on the Maples up in Pinebrook. Wow. And the understory’s started getting all bright and yellow, almost glowing, like it’s lighting up the forest from below.

The last 15 seconds of that clip are my absolute favorite stretch of Mid-Mountain. Love that spot. Might be my new "Ash Spot".


  1. That is gorgeous, and a very nice trail! I am struck by just how far behind fall is where you live compared to where I live. We're almost at peak autumn color here.

    I take it that you like your helmet cam!

  2. KB- you're so right. Having lived in both places, I've wondered many times why our Fall runs ~10-12 days behind yours at similar elevation (that clip is at ~7,700 feet). And we're actually North of you to boot. The other thing that struck me my first Fall here was the amount of red in Wasatch foliage relative to the Fall colors of the Front Range, which I think is mainly due to the greater prevalence of Maple (and possibly, to a lesser extent, Ninebark).

    Yes, I've really enjoyed the helmet-cam. One day I may do a full review, but briefly, I've generally been very happy, with the exception that it struggles with contrasts and colors in low-angle sunlight conditions. That clip for example is much more colorful in real life.

  3. Do people actually ride that section you have marked as 'roller coaster'?

    I regularly run up the 'death climb' and a month or so ago decided to try that route. I found it very tricky to *walk*. I can't imagine carrying a bike up the steeps.

  4. Kevin- Yes, except for the hike-a-bike stretch marked in green (when headed west-bound). The actual roller-coaster itself is pretty straightforward (again, west-bound). Momentum does pretty much all the work, although a few of the descents get sketchy later in the season. It's best in Spring right after it melts out.
